

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

The Makefile

The Makefile is based on the main SCIP Makefile. This means that all compiling options which are available for SCIP are also available for the binpacking project. Below, you find a list of the most important compiling flags, the values they can take, and a short description. The values in bold face are the default values.

  • LPS={clp | cpx | none | spx}
    Defines the linear program solver to use:
    • clp use COIN-OR CLP
    • cpx use IBM CPLEX
    • none no LP solver
    • spx use SoPlex
  • OPT={dbg | opt}
    Defines if the projects gets compiled in debug (dbg) mode or optimized (opt) mode. In the debug mode all assertions are checked.
  • ZIMPL={false | true}
    Defines if the modeling language ZIMPL should be linked to binary or not.

In the following we explain the all Makefile targets.

  • lint
    Statically checks the code for uninitialized variables and many other possible problems, which even do not lead to compiler errors. For this, the external tool flexelint is needed. The call produces the file lint.out which contains all the detected warnings. From the experience when developing SCIP, we strongly recommend to use such a code checker. It is always a surprising the stuff such tools detect.
  • clean
    Remove all objective files, libraries, and binaries.
  • test
    Starts an automated test run based on the SCIP test runs (see How to run automated tests with SCIP).
  • tags
    Generates tags which can be used in the editor emacs and xemacs.
  • depend
    Generates the dependencies for the compiling process.