

Solving Constraint Integer Programs


Detailed Description

This page contains a list of all separators which are currently available.

A detailed description what a separator does and how to add a separator to SCIP can be found here.


file  sepa_cgmip.h
 Chvatal-Gomory cuts computed via a sub-MIP.
file  sepa_clique.h
 clique separator
file  sepa_closecuts.h
 closecuts meta separator
file  sepa_cmir.h
 complemented mixed integer rounding cuts separator (Marchand's version)
file  sepa_disjunctive.h
 disjunctive cut separator
file  sepa_eccuts.h
 edge concave cut separator
file  sepa_flowcover.h
 flowcover separator
file  sepa_gomory.h
 Gomory MIR Cuts.
file  sepa_impliedbounds.h
 implied bounds separator
file  sepa_intobj.h
 integer objective value separator
file  sepa_mcf.h
 multi-commodity-flow network cut separator
file  sepa_oddcycle.h
 oddcycle separator
file  sepa_rapidlearning.h
 rapidlearning separator
file  sepa_strongcg.h
 Strong CG Cuts (Letchford & Lodi)
file  sepa_zerohalf.h
 {0,1/2}-cuts separator