

Solving Constraint Integer Programs

Type Definitions

Detailed Description

This page lists headers which contain type definitions of callback methods.

All headers below include the descriptions of callback methods of certain plugins. For more detail see the corresponding header.


file  type_branch.h
 type definitions for branching rules
file  type_compr.h
 type definitions for tree compression
file  type_conflict.h
 type definitions for conflict analysis
file  type_cons.h
 type definitions for constraints and constraint handlers
file  type_dialog.h
 type definitions for user interface dialog
file  type_disp.h
 type definitions for displaying runtime statistics
file  type_event.h
 type definitions for managing events
file  type_heur.h
 type definitions for primal heuristics
file  type_history.h
 type definitions for branching and inference history
file  type_matrix.h
 type definitions for MILP matrix
file  type_message.h
 type definitions for message output methods
file  type_misc.h
 type definitions for miscellaneous datastructures
file  type_nodesel.h
 type definitions for node selectors
file  type_paramset.h
 type definitions for handling parameter settings
file  type_presol.h
 type definitions for presolvers
file  type_pricer.h
 type definitions for variable pricers
file  type_prob.h
 type definitions for storing and manipulating the main problem
file  type_prop.h
 type definitions for propagators
file  type_reader.h
 type definitions for input file readers
file  type_relax.h
 type definitions for relaxators
file  type_sepa.h
 type definitions for separators
file  type_var.h
 type definitions for problem variables
file  type_expr.h
 type definitions for expressions and expression trees
file  type_nlpi.h
 type definitions for specific NLP solver interfaces
file  type_objcloneable.h
 function type definitions for clonable classes
file  type_objprobcloneable.h
 function type definitions for clonable classes which define problem data